Practical phppptx

Get information


phppptx provides methods to get information from PPTX files and also information of the internal active slide to work with layout placeholders. These methods can be used combined with other methods of phppptx to generate flexible tasks based on the existing contents in a presentation.

Active slide information

The getActiveSlideInformation method returns an array with the existing placeholders (name and descr values) in a layout:

This information can be used when adding contents to set the position option:

For more information about the internal active slide, please check Adding contents.


Indexer parses the contents of a PPTX file and returns an array with information such as slides, properties, layouts, settings, images, links, text contents and many other useful details about the presentation.

The following sample code calls Indexer to get information from a PPTX file:

Next - Format transformations