Practical phppptx
phppptx can transform HTML and CSS to add new contents in slides.
addHtml is the method to add HTML:
This method includes the following parameters:
- $html: HTML/CSS to transform.
- $position: position to add the new content. This can be an existing placeholder in the layout or a new text box.
- $options: array to set extra options.
The following code adds HTML contents applying CSS styles:
Replacing variables in templates
When working with a template, replaceVariableHtml allows to replace a placeholder with HTML:
The available parameters are:
- $variables: placeholders to be replaced
- $options: it's an array which can have these keys:
- 'activeSlide' (bool): if true, get only the active slide. Default as false.
- 'target' (string): slides (default).
- 'type' (string): inline (only replaces the variable), block (default, removes the variable and its containing paragraph).
After loading the template, an easy replacement would be:
This code changes the placeholder VAR by a paragraph with the text "phppptx".
Tips and tricks
Install and enable Tidy and mbstring PHP extensions to transform HTML.